
Beet Greens

A friendly reminder to hold on to your beet greens! Beet greens resemble red chard in both looks and taste. Don't let them wilt in your fridge! Once home from shopping, cut the greens loose leaving about an inch of stem still attached to the beets. You may store the greens in a plastic bag with a folded paper towel for several days if they are in good shape.

Beets cooked with their greens are a wonderful combination. The sweetness of the beets play off the peppery bitter notes in the leaves creating a wonderfully balanced side dish that needs minimal seasoning. 
Here's a quick way to cook them inspired by my Grandma: Saute thinly sliced beets in a little olive oil and garlic for 3 minutes over medium heat. Slice or tear your greens into pieces, wash, and add wet greens to the pan with a twist of sea salt. Cover and cook for 5 minutes until wilted.

1 bunch beets with greens serves 3-6